This is a detailed article about the My vision for India in 2047 Essay in English. By following the samples of essays and postcard writing on my vision for India in 2047, you can complete your school and tuition projects. Short 10 lines essays for classes 2,3,4. Medium 300-350 words for classes 5,6,7,8. And long, over 1000 words for class 9,10,11,12. Hope you found your ideal one, and make sure to leave a comment on which one is your favorite.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English:

India is a developing country, and still has a lot of development left. Our country is about to complete 100 years 2048 of its independence and sovereignty, the 100-year ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ inspiration that will make Indians bigger and stronger.

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In 1000 Words:

You can find a detailed essay on My Vision For India In 2047 in 1000 words here. If you are a class 9th or 10th student or higher students, you can apply it anywhere.


Like others, I also have a fantasy for my nation India and I can be glad for it for the cutting edge as it ought to be. The year 2047 will be a milestone year for seeing India through the prism of development, growth, gender, equality, employment, and different issues.

My vision for India in 2047:

My vision for India is to be well managed in all fields like improving poverty, measures to cut down unemployment, pollution control, hunger-Free India, medical facilities in remote areas, no child labor & free schools for poor children, no place for communal violence, self-reliant India, and many more.

While discussing vision, we anticipate doing such things which assist our vision with turning out to be valid.

1. Health & Fitness:

My vision for India in 2047 is to improve Health System by providing good facilities to people. People are also aware of health & Fitness. The most important thing in life is health. In 2047, I want medical treatment to be cheaper so that even the poorest of the poor are not left without treatment. Everyone was able to get timely medical help.

2. Education:

The public authority attempts to spread schooling, however, there are numerous who don’t understand its actual significance. My vision for India in 2047 will be that education will be mandatory for all.

3. Cast Discrimination:

India was freed in 1947, yet, we have not had the option to accomplish total freedom from race and religion. My vision for India in 2047 is a place where there is no segregation.

4. Women Empowerment:

Women are leaving their homes and leaving an impression in different fields and society. My vision for India in 2047 is to make women more attractive and self-sufficient.

We have to try to change the outlook of our society. My view of India is a country that considers women as its assets, not as a liability, also, I wanted to keep women on an equal footing with men.

5. Employment:

There are many educated people in India. But, due to corruption and other reasons, they are not getting suitable jobs. My vision for India in 2047 will be a place where qualified candidates will get jobs first rather than reserved candidates.

Moreover, since India is a developing country, some industries will grow and many will get job opportunities there as well.

6. Corruptions:

Corruption is a focal point that is hindering the development of the country, and the innumerable prospects for India in 2047 where the clergy and the authorities have surrendered themselves to their work and are opposed to the development of the country.

7. Child Labour:

Some parts of India are still very poor and the education rate is very low. In all those places, children are busy leaving school and working. My vision for India in 2047, is that there is no child labor, but they are studying.

8. Farming:

Farmers are said to be the backbone of our nation, they provide food and necessities. It enables people to survive and engage in physical activity. Farmers should be protected by providing training facilities on seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers so that they can use their knowledge to grow more crops and give people a reason to rely heavily on products from agriculture.

The development of industries such as high-quality machine building, modified equipment, and industrial areas are also very important.

9. Science & Technology:

With the help of science and technology, India reached the Mongol planet first. I want India to make a lot more progress in all these areas by 2047.

10. Pollution:

I want India to keep the environment clean and healthy for people, plants, and animals. Let him do the pollution control system that should be followed and be free from various kinds of pollution.

Our flora and fauna are also important to meet our basic needs as farmers and to keep us healthy and active.


The India of my vision in 2047 will be an ideal country. Also, there is no discrimination of any type. In addition, it is a place where women are seen as equal to men and respected equally.

The next twenty-five years will be highly crucial not just for our country but also for us as citizens of India. The excursion could take extreme however the objective vows to remunerate. We will observe a nation so strong yet so joined together.

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My Vision For India In 2047 10 Lines :

This is the section for My vision for India in 2047 essay in English in 10 lines or 150 words.

My vision for India in 2047 essay in 10 Lines:

  1. Our country India was freed from British subjugation on the fifteenth of August 1947. 75 years of freedom are concluding.
  2. In this viewpoint, India needs to beat corruption, poverty, unemployment, lack of healthy sustenance, and illiteracy.
  3. We should guarantee safe schooling for women and children and guarantee equivalent opportunities for all.
  4. There should be no segregation of creed, gender, social or economic status, and standing.
  5. We should be independent in food and shelter for all.
  6. By 2047 we should turn into the biggest economy on the planet.
  7. We should accomplish feasible advancement with environmentally friendly power and a sound India.
  8. We should make it harmless to the ecosystem, sans carbon, and green advancement by utilizing assets.
  9. Our nation should be created based on protection power, innovation, and gifted labor.
  10. May my nation be a place that is known for harmony, thriving, and honesty.
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My Vision for India In 2047 Essay In English 500 Words:

This 500 words section is for my vision for India in 2047 essay in English.


In a world where Artificial General Intelligence is on the rise, what are the implications for India?

India has always been ahead of its time in terms of technology and innovation. With AI assistants and personal assistants becoming more popular, India will be able to lead the way in an era where AI dominates human life.

How Technology Will Shape the Future of India:

India is considered to be one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world with a large population and a booming economy. With the help of technology, India is expected to become more economically competitive and can provide better opportunities for its citizens.

India has been using technology to solve problems since ancient times. The country has made use of technology in various aspects such as agriculture, healthcare, education, and even sports. There are many ways that India has used technology to improve its quality of life over time.

The future of India will be shaped by how it uses technology in various sectors such as transportation, healthcare, and education.

The Indian Economy in 2047:

The Indian economy is expected to be one of the most important economies in the world in 2047.

The Indian Economy in 2047 is an essay about how India will be a leading economic power by 2047. This essay discusses how the Indian economy will change due to globalization and how India’s citizens will benefit from it.

The Indian Media in 2047:

The Indian Media in 2047 is the first book of its kind that takes a long-term view of the Indian media landscape in the year 2047. It covers a wide range of topics such as the rise and fall of print, digital, and social media; how content is created and consumed; how news becomes fake or authentic; how audience engagement happens; and more.

This introduction includes information on what this book covers, what it is called, who wrote it, and where to buy it.

Conclusion: India’s Future is Bright

India’s future is bright. The country has been a part of the world’s fastest-growing economies in recent years. India’s GDP has grown at a rate of 7-8% for the past few years. The country is also home to one of the world’s largest populations with over 1 billion people.

The population and economy are expected to grow even further in the coming years. With this growth, India will be able to provide better opportunities for its citizens and become an even more attractive destination for global businesses.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 700 Words:

This 700 words section is for my vision for India in 2047 essay in English.

Introduction: What is India’s Future?

India is one of the most populous countries in the world, but its population is still on a rise. In 2047, India will be home to over 1 billion people.

My vision for India in 2047 Essay in English

The future of India is uncertain, but there are some things that I believe will happen. India will be more diverse than ever before with a greater number of ethnicities and religions in the country. There will be more opportunities for women to work and contribute to society in different ways. More young people will continue to study abroad and return with new skillsets and knowledge about other cultures that can help grow their own country.

What are the Effects of the Demographics that You See Today?

The effects of the demographics that we see today are going to have a significant impact on the future.

In order to get a better idea, let’s look at some of the most important demographic factors in the United States.

The U.S. population is projected to reach 400 million by 2050, which means that it will be twice as large as it was in 1950.

What will be the Economic Conditions Like in 2047?

The world is changing fast and so are the economic conditions. It is predicted that in 2047, the world will be a very different place than it is now.

In 2047, we can expect to see a lot of changes in economic stability. The economic growth will be slower and there will be more people who have financial difficulties as well as a decline in the standard of living.

What do People Think about India’s Future?

India is often called the next superpower. The country has the third-largest population in the world and is growing rapidly. In 2047, India’s population will be around 1,2 billion people.

What do people think about India’s future? India is often called the next superpower. In 2047, India’s population will be around 1,2 billion people.


The future of India is uncertain, but it will be a fascinating time to watch. In the future of India, we have seen a lot of change in the past few decades. From being a developing nation to one that is growing at an exponential rate. We are seeing changes in our culture and how we live our lives.

A key aspect of this change has been the rise of technology and its impact on society as a whole. Technology is not just affecting us in the workplace, but also in how we live our lives outside work as well. The future is uncertain for India, but it will be an interesting time to watch!

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My Vision For India 2047 Letter :

Sub:- My Vision For India In 2047

Honorable Prime Minister of India,

Shri Narendra Modi Ji,

This is a letter about what I want to see that in the next five years at 100 years of our Independence. Our country India was liberated on 15th August 1947 from 200 years of oppression and slavery by the British. This year marks the 75th anniversary of independence. On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, the whole country will celebrate ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. On this occasion, I want to express my vision for India in 2047.

My vision for India in 2047 is that India should be liberated from Corruption, crime, poverty, illiteracy, and all that India lingers behind.

My vision for India is harmony, peace, truthfulness, and honesty after 100 years of freedom.

There will be no kids who will ask for begging, no youngster will be constrained into child labor work.

I want to see that in the next five years, my vision is that India will become a strong country inside and outside India where women can eat safely and walk the streets effectively. An India where everyone gets holistic and significant material and shelter.

I think unemployment is one of the biggest problems in India. My biggest dream is to see in India that no one else is unemployed.

My vision for India in 2047 there is no qualification of caste, color, gender, or economic status. Everybody gets minutes for work and lands Positions. There ought not to be any contrast between the rich and poor. I want to consider India to be a high-level country.

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My Vision For India In 2047 Postcard:

Sub:- My Vision For India In 2047

Honorable Prime Minister of India,

Shri Narendra Modi Ji,

In this letter, I share my vision for India in 2047.

India is a country with a diverse culture and people who are eager to learn. India has the potential to be one of the most prosperous countries in the world but it’s not there yet.

My vision for India in 2047 is one where we have achieved enough economic prosperity that every citizen can live an average life with dignity and happiness. We have achieved this through innovation, entrepreneurship, and hard work.

Your Name

Your School

My vision for India in 2047 pdf download:

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FAQ’s on My vision for India in 2047 Essay in English:

Q.  What is the vision of India in 2047 essay?
A->  India will finish its 100 years of autonomy and power, which drives Indian's to prepare to stun the world and make them solid. My vision for India following 100 years of autonomy, 2047 to be just about as solid as those Freedom Fighters who battled for our country and lost their lives in making India an autonomous country.

Q. How will be the India in 2047 in English?
A-> The year 2047 will be a milestone year for seeing India through the prism of development, growth, gender, equality, employment, and different issues.

Q.  What is the dream of India in 2047?

A->  My dream for India is to be well managed in all fields like improving poverty, measures to cut down unemployment, pollution control, hunger-Free India, medical facilities in remote areas, no child labor & free schools for poor children, no place for communal violence, self-reliant India, and many more.

Q.  How do you write a vision for India in 2047 in postcard?
A->  At the first of this article you can find how to write a postcard essay on your vision for India in 2047.

By Suman

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