Are you looking for some Voice Change Exercise with Answers? Worry not, Here are 100+ voice change exercises to practice. Also, you can download these exercises as a PDF below the article.Voice change exercise is a series of vocal exercises designed to improve the sound, quality, and health of your voice. It can be used by anyone, regardless of their age or singing ability. Voice change exercise can improve vocal clarity and projection, reduce vocal strain, enhance expressiveness and communication skills, develop a more confident and powerful voice, and enhance singing and speaking abilities.

Here are some of the benefits of voice change exercise:

  • Improved vocal clarity and projection
  • Reduced vocal strain
  • Enhanced expressiveness and communication skills
  • Developed a more confident and powerful voice
  • Enhanced singing and speaking abilities

Types of Voice Change Exercises:

There are many different types of voice change exercises, each with its own focus. Here is a brief overview of some of the most common types:

  • Pitch exercises: These exercises help you to control the pitch of your voice. Some common pitch exercises include humming, singing scales, and matching pitch with a tuner.
  • Resonance exercises: These exercises help you to project your voice more effectively. Some common resonance exercises include singing vowels in different parts of your mouth and humming with your lips closed.
  • Articulation exercises: These exercises help you to speak more clearly and concisely. Some common articulation exercises include tongue twisters and reading aloud with exaggerated articulation.
  • Vocal fry exercises: These exercises help to warm up your voice and reduce vocal strain. Some common vocal fry exercises include lip trills and raspberry sounds.
  • Breathing exercises: These exercises help to improve your breath support, which is essential for good vocal production. Some common breathing exercises include diaphragmatic breathing and breath relaxation exercises.
voice change

100+ Best Voice Change Exercise with Answers:

Voice change exercises can be done by anyone, regardless of their age or singing ability. They are particularly beneficial for people who use their voices frequently, such as singers, actors, public speakers, and teachers.

If you are interested in improving your vocal skills, voice change exercise is a great place to start. With regular practice, you can achieve a more confident, powerful, and expressive voice.

1. Change Active to Passive Voice:

The dog bit the man.The man was bitten by the dog.
The police arrested the thief.The thief was arrested by the police.
The teacher gave the students a test.The students were given a test by the teacher.
The scientist discovered a new planet.A new planet was discovered by the scientist.
The writer wrote a book.A book was written by the writer.
The painter painted a picture.A picture was painted by the painter.
The chef cooked a meal.A meal was cooked by the chef.
The driver drove the car.The car was driven by the driver.
The pilot flew the plane.The plane was flown by the pilot.
The doctor treated the patient.The patient was treated by the doctor.
The lawyer defended the client.The client was defended by the lawyer.
The judge sentenced the criminal.The criminal was sentenced by the judge.
The jury convicted the defendant.The defendant was convicted by the jury.
The voters elected the candidate.The candidate was elected by the voters.
The people built the house.The house was built by the people.
The students planted the trees.The trees were planted by the students.
The workers cleaned the office.The office was cleaned by the workers.
The volunteers organized the event.The event was organized by the volunteers.
The donors funded the project.The project was funded by the donors.
The inventors created the new product.The new product was created by the inventors.
The scientists developed the new technology.The new technology was developed by the scientists.
The manager hired the new employee.The new employee was hired by the manager.
The company fired the CEO.The CEO was fired by the company.
The customer returned the defective product.The defective product was returned by the customer.
The thief stole the money.The money was stolen by the thief.
The police caught the suspect.The suspect was caught by the police.
The fire department extinguished the fire.The fire was extinguished by the fire department.
The doctor diagnosed the patient’s illness.The patient’s illness was diagnosed by the doctor.
The surgeon performed the operation.The operation was performed by the surgeon.
The teacher graded the students’ essays.The students’ essays were graded by the teacher.
The student answered the question correctly.The question was answered correctly by the student.
The artist painted the landscape.The landscape was painted by the artist.
The composer wrote the symphony.The symphony was written by the composer.
The actor played the role perfectly.The role was played perfectly by the actor.
The director filmed the movie.The movie was filmed by the director.
The editor edited the book.The book was edited by the editor.
The translator translated the document into Spanish.The document was translated into Spanish by the translator.
The investor invested money in the startup company.Money was invested in the startup company by the investor.
The entrepreneur started a new business.A new business was started by the entrepreneur.
The scientist published a new paper in a prestigious journal.A new paper was published in a prestigious journal by the scientist.
The athlete won the gold medal.The gold medal was won by the athlete.
The team won the championship.The championship was won by the team.
The nation celebrated its independence.Its independence was celebrated by the nation.

2. Change Passive to Active Voice:

The ball was thrown by the boy.The boy threw the ball.
The car was driven by the woman.The woman drove the car.
The dog was petted by the girl.The girl petted the dog.
The house was cleaned by the maid.The maid cleaned the house.
The report was written by the secretary.The secretary wrote the report.
The dinner was cooked by the chef.The chef cooked the dinner.
The painting was hung on the wall by the man.The man hung the painting on the wall.
The flowers were picked by the children.The children picked the flowers.
The tree was planted by the gardener.The gardener planted the tree.
The windows were washed by the housekeeper.The housekeeper washed the windows.
The clothes were ironed by the mother.The mother ironed the clothes.
The dishes were washed by the father.The father washed the dishes.
The lawn was mowed by the neighbor.The neighbor mowed the lawn.
The trash was taken out by the son.The son took out the trash.
The homework was done by the daughter.The daughter did the homework.
The bed was made by the child.The child made the bed.
The room was tidied up by the teenager.The teenager tidied up the room.
The bike was ridden by the student.The student rode the bike.
The book was read by the teacher.The teacher read the book.
The song was sung by the singer.The singer sang the song.
The movie was watched by the audience.The audience watched the movie.
The computer was built by the engineer.The engineer built the computer.
The software was developed by the programmer.The programmer developed the software.
The website was designed by the web designer.The web designer designed the website.
The presentation was created by the marketing team.The marketing team created the presentation.
The report was analyzed by the data analyst.The data analyst analyzed the report.
The project was managed by the project manager.The project manager managed the project.
The budget was prepared by the accountant.The accountant prepared the budget.
The contract was drafted by the lawyer.The lawyer drafted the contract.
The negotiations were led by the CEO.The CEO led the negotiations.
The decision was made by the board of directors.The board of directors made the decision.
The product was launched by the company.The company launched the product.
The service was introduced by the organization.The organization introduced the service.
The initiative was proposed by the employee.The employee proposed the initiative.
The suggestion was made by the customer.The customer made the suggestion.
The complaint was filed by the consumer.The consumer filed the complaint.
The request was submitted by the applicant.The applicant submitted the request.
The order was placed by the client.The client placed the order.
The reservation was made by the traveler.The traveler made the reservation.
The donation was made by the donor.The donor made the donation.
The investment was made by the investor.The investor made the investment.
The contribution was made by the contributor.The contributor made the contribution.
The sacrifice was made by the soldier.The soldier made the sacrifice.

3. Voice Change Exercise for Class 10:

Active to Passive:

  1. The doctor examined the patient. 
  2. The police arrested the thief. 
  3. The firefighters put out the fire. 
  4. The builders built the house.  
  5. The students wrote the essays.  
  6. The scientists made a new discovery.  
  7. The artists painted the pictures.  
  8. The musicians played the music.  
  9. The athletes won the medals.  


  1. The patient was examined by the doctor.
  2. The thief was arrested by the police.
  3. The fire was put out by the firefighters.
  4. The house was built by the builders.
  5. The essays were written by the students.
  6. A new discovery was made by the scientists.
  7. The pictures were painted by the artists.
  8. The music was played by the musicians.
  9. The medals were won by the athletes.

Passive to Active:

  1. The students were taught a lesson by the teacher.
  2. The patient was examined by the doctor. 
  3. The thief was arrested by the police.
  4. The fire was put out by the firefighters. 
  5. The house was built by the builders. 
  6. The essays were written by the students. 
  7. A new discovery was made by the scientists. 
  8. The pictures were painted by the artists. 
  9. The music was played by the musicians. 
  10. The medals were won by the athletes. 


  1.  The teacher taught the students.
  2. The doctor examined the patient.
  3.  The police arrested the thief.
  4. The firefighters put out the fire.
  5. The builders built the house.
  6. The students wrote the essays.
  7. The scientists made a new discovery.
  8. The artists painted the pictures.
  9. The musicians played the music.
  10. The athletes won the medals.

Exercises To Practice Yourself:

  1. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice:
  • The students are reading the book.
  • The teacher is writing on the board.
  • The children are playing in the park.
  • The mother is cooking dinner.
  • The father is washing the car.
  1. Change the following sentences from passive to active voice:
  • The book is being read by the students.
  • The lesson is being taught by the teacher.
  • The game is being played by the children.
  • The dinner is being cooked by the mother.
  • The car is being washed by the father.
  1. Identify the voice of the following sentences:
  • The dog barked at the cat.
  • The ball was thrown by the boy.
  • The book was written by the author.
  • The house was built by the carpenter.
  • The car was driven by the woman.
  1. Change the following sentences into passive voice using the modal verbs “can” and “must”:
  • The students can solve the problem.
  • The teacher must finish the lesson.
  • The children must play outside.
  • The mother must cook dinner.
  • The father must wash the car.
  1. Change the following sentences into active voice using the modal verbs “can” and “must”:
  • The problem can be solved by the students.
  • The lesson must be finished by the teacher.
  • The children must be played outside.
  • Dinner must be cooked by the mother.
  • The car must be washed by the father.

4. Voice Change Exercise for Class 9:

1. Change the following sentences from active voice to passive voice:

  • The teacher is teaching the students. – The students are being taught by the teacher.
  • The dog is chasing the cat. – The cat is being chased by the dog.
  • The mother is cooking dinner. – Dinner is being cooked by the mother.
  • The doctor is treating the patient. – The patient is being treated by the doctor.
  • The police are arresting the thief. – The thief is being arrested by the police.

2. Change the following sentences from passive voice to active voice:

  • The book was written by the author. – The author wrote the book.
  • The car was driven by the man. – The man drove the car.
  • The house was built by the builder. – The builder built the house.
  • The painting was hung on the wall by the child. – The child hung the painting on the wall.
  • The dishes were washed by the maid. – The maid washed the dishes.

3. Change the following sentences into passive voice, using the correct tense:

  • My mother cooked dinner. – Dinner was cooked by my mother.
  • The teacher taught the students a lesson. – The students were taught a lesson by the teacher.
  • The doctor examined the patient. – The patient was examined by the doctor.
  • The police arrested the thief. – The thief was arrested by the police.
  • The workers built the house. – The house was built by the workers.

4. Change the following sentences into active voice, using the correct tense:

  • The letter was written by me yesterday. – I wrote the letter yesterday.
  • The book was read by me last week. – I read the book last week.
  • The report was written by the employees last month. – The employees wrote the report last month.
  • The presentation was given by the manager last week. – The manager gave the presentation last week.
  • The project was completed by the team last year. – The team completed the project last year.

5. Change the following sentences into passive voice, using the correct tense and modal verbs:

  • The teacher can teach the students. – The students can be taught by the teacher.
  • The doctor could treat the patient. – The patient could be treated by the doctor.
  • The police must arrest the thief. – The thief must be arrested by the police.
  • The workers should build the house. – The house should be built by the workers.
  • The manager may give the presentation. – The presentation may be given by the manager.

5. Voice Change Exercise for Class 8:

1. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice:

  1. The teacher taught the students English.
  2. The farmer planted the trees in the field.
  3. The doctor treated the patient.
  4. The mechanic repaired the car.
  5. The chef cooked the food.


  1. English was taught to the students by the teacher.
  2. The trees were planted in the field by the farmer.
  3. The patient was treated by the doctor.
  4. The car was repaired by the mechanic.
  5. The food was cooked by the chef.

2. Change the following sentences from passive to active voice:

  1. The book was written by the author.
  2. The house was built by the carpenter.
  3. The painting was created by the artist.
  4. The song was sung by the singer.
  5. The movie was directed by the director.


  1. The author wrote the book.
  2. The carpenter built the house.
  3. The artist created the painting.
  4. The singer sung the song.
  5. The director directed the movie.

3. Change the following sentences to passive voice using the modal auxiliary verb “can”:

  1. I can solve the problem.
  2. She can speak English fluently.
  3. He can play the guitar well.
  4. They can swim well.
  5. We can dance well.


  1. The problem can be solved by me.
  2. English can be spoken fluently by her.
  3. The guitar can be played well by him.
  4. Swimming can be done well by them.
  5. Dancing can be done well by us.

4. Change the following sentences to passive voice using the modal auxiliary verb “must”:

  1. You must do your homework.
  2. She must be on time.
  3. He must finish the project by tomorrow.
  4. They must clean their room.
  5. We must submit the report by the end of the week.


  1. Your homework must be done.
  2. She must be on time.
  3. The project must be finished by tomorrow by him.
  4. Their room must be cleaned.
  5. The report must be submitted by the end of the week by us.

5. Change the following sentences to passive voice using the modal auxiliary verb “should”:

  1. You should eat your vegetables.
  2. She should go to the doctor.
  3. He should study for the test.
  4. They should be more careful.
  5. We should help others.


  1. Your vegetables should be eaten.
  2. The doctor should be gone to by her.
  3. The test should be studied for by him.
  4. More careful should be used by them.
  5. Others should be helped by us.

Active and Passive Voice Exercises To Do Yourself:

1. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice:

  • The teacher graded the students’ essays.
  • The customer returned the defective product.
  • The thief stole the money.
  • The police caught the suspect.
  • The fire department extinguished the fire.
  • The doctor diagnosed the patient’s illness.
  • The surgeon performed the operation.

2. Change the following sentences from passive to active voice:

  • The homework was done by the student.
  • The dinner was cooked by the chef.
  • The report was written by the secretary.
  • The car was driven by the woman.
  • The ball was thrown by the boy.
  • The house was cleaned by the maid.

3. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice, using the appropriate modal verb:

  • She must finish the report by tomorrow.
  • You should take this medicine three times a day.
  • He can speak three languages.
  • She could play the piano when she was five years old. 
  • They may arrive late.

4. Change the following sentences from passive to active voice, using the appropriate modal verb:

  • The report has to be finished by tomorrow. 
  • This medicine should be taken three times a day.
  • Three languages can be spoken by him.
  • The piano could be played by her when she was five years old.
  • Their arrival may be late.

5. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice, using the appropriate modal verb and tense:

  • They have to finish the project by the end of the month.
  • The report should be submitted to the manager by Friday.
  • The new employee will be trained by the supervisor.
  • The presentation could be made by either you or me.
  • The problem may be solved by the engineer.

6. Change the following sentences from passive to active voice, using the appropriate modal verb and tense:

  • The project had to be finished by the end of the month.
  • The report had to be submitted to the manager by Friday.
  • The new employee had been trained by the supervisor.
  • The presentation could have been made by either you or me.
  • The problem might have been solved by the engineer.


Voice change exercise is a great way to improve your vocal skills and develop a more confident and powerful voice. With regular practice, you can achieve a voice that is clear, resonant, and expressive.

If you are new to voice change exercise, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  1. It is important to warm up your voice before starting any exercise. This will help to prevent injury.
  2. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and difficulty of the exercises as you become more comfortable.
  3. Be patient and consistent with your practice.

It takes time and effort to see results from voice change exercises. There are many different types of voice change exercises available. Some exercises focus on improving pitch, while others focus on improving resonance, articulation, or breath support. You can find voice change exercises online, in books, or from a vocal coach or singing teacher.

I encourage you to experiment with different voice change exercises and find ones that work best for you. With regular practice, you can achieve a voice that you are proud of.

FAQs on Voice Change Exercise:

Q.  How do you identify active and passive voice exercise?
A->  To identify an active voice sentence, the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb, while in a passive voice sentence, the subject is acted upon by the verb.
  For Example:  Active voice: The dog bit the man.
 Passive voice: The man was bitten by the dog.

Q.  How do you change to an active voice?
A->  To change a sentence from passive to active, you need to identify the verb, the subject and object, and then rearrange the words so that the subject acts on the object.

Q.  How do you identify active and passive voice in a paragraph?
A->  In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. In passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action. To identify active and passive voice in a paragraph, look for the verb and the subject of each sentence. If the subject performs the action, the sentence is in active voice. If the subject receives the action, the sentence is in passive voice.
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By Suman

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