Are you looking for Notes Of Life Process Class 10 PDF? This article will explore the seven major life processes: nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion, growth and development, reproduction, response to stimuli, and homeostasis. We will discuss how each process contributes to the survival and well-being of living organisms.

All living organisms share certain essential characteristics, including the ability to grow, reproduce, and respond to their environment. These characteristics are made possible by the life processes within each organism.

Best Notes Of Life Process Class 10 PDF:

By understanding the life processes, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and wonder of life. We can also better understand how our bodies work and how we can stay healthy. So, let’s dive in and explore the essential ingredients of life!

1. Nutrition:

Nutrition is how living organisms obtain the energy and materials they need to survive. There are two main types of nutrition: autotrophic and heterotrophic.

  • Autotrophic nutrition is the process by which organisms can make their food. Autotrophs, such as plants, use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates. This process is called photosynthesis.
  • Heterotrophic nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain food from other organisms. Heterotrophs, such as animals, must eat other organisms to get their needed energy and materials.

2. Respiration:

Notes Of Life Process Class 10 PDF

Respiration is the process by which living organisms release energy from food. In animals, respiration takes place in the cells of the body. The oxygen we breathe in breaks down food molecules, releasing energy and carbon dioxide.

There are two main types of respiration: aerobic and anaerobic.

  1. Aerobic respiration is the process by which oxygen breaks down food molecules. This is the most efficient type of respiration and produces the most energy.
  2. Anaerobic respiration is the process by which food molecules are broken down without oxygen. This is a less efficient type of respiration and produces less energy.

3. Transportation:

Transportation is how nutrients, oxygen, and waste products are transported around the body. In animals, the circulatory system is responsible for transportation. The blood carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells and removes waste products from the cells.

The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart pumps blood around the body, and the blood vessels carry the blood to different parts of the body. The blood contains red blood cells, which carry oxygen, and white blood cells, which fight infection.

4. Excretion:

Excretion is the process by which waste products are removed from the body. In animals, the kidneys are the main organ of excretion. They remove water, salts, and other waste products from the blood.

The kidneys filter the blood and remove waste products. The waste products are then excreted in the urine.

5. Growth and development:

Growth and development are the processes by which living organisms increase in size and change over time. Growth is an organism’s size increase, while development is the process of change that occurs as an organism grows.

The increase in the number and size of cells in the body causes growth. Development is caused by the changes that occur in the cells and tissues of the body.

6. Reproduction:

Reproduction is the process by which living organisms produce offspring. Reproduction is essential for the continuation of life.

There are two main types of reproduction: asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.

  • Asexual reproduction is the process by which a single organism produces offspring that are identical to itself.
  • Sexual reproduction is the process by which two organisms produce offspring that are a combination of the genes of both parents.

7. Response to stimuli:

Response to stimuli is the ability of living organisms to respond to environmental changes. Stimuli can be physical, such as light or heat, or chemical, such as a change in the concentration of a substance in the environment.

Living organisms respond to stimuli to maintain a stable internal environment. This process is called Homeostasis.

8. Homeostasis:

Homeostasis is the ability of living organisms to maintain a stable internal environment. Homeostasis is essential for the survival of living organisms.

The body maintains Homeostasis by regulating various factors, such as temperature, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.

These are just some essential life processes that all living organisms must perform to survive. These complex and interrelated processes work together to keep living organisms alive and healthy.

MCQ Notes Of Life Process Class 10 PDF:

1. Which of the following is not a life process?

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Growth and development

2. Which of the following is the main function of respiration?

(a) To obtain energy from food (b) To release carbon dioxide from the body (c) To transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells (d) To remove waste products from the body

3. Which of the following is the main organ of excretion in humans?

(a) Liver (b) Kidneys (c) Heart (d) Lungs

4. Which of the following is the main mode of nutrition in plants?

(a) Autotrophic nutrition (b) Heterotrophic nutrition (c) Asexual reproduction (d) Sexual reproduction

5. The process by which living organisms obtain energy from food is called:

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Excretion

6. The process by which living organisms release energy from food is called:

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Excretion

7. The process by which nutrients, oxygen, and waste products are transported around the body is called:

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Excretion

8. The process by which waste products are removed from the body is called:

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Excretion

9. The process by which living organisms increase in size and change over time is called:

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Growth and development

10. The process by which living organisms produce offspring is called:

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Reproduction

11. The process by which living organisms respond to changes in their environment is called:

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Response to stimuli

12. The process by which living organisms maintain a stable internal environment is called:

(a) Nutrition (b) Respiration (c) Transportation (d) Homeostasis

13. The mode of nutrition in which organisms obtain food from other organisms is called:

(a) Autotrophic nutrition (b) Heterotrophic nutrition (c) Asexual reproduction (d) Sexual reproduction

  1. Answer: (d) Growth and development is not a life process. It is a result of the life processes of nutrition, respiration, and transportation.
  2. Answer: (a) The main function of respiration is to obtain energy from food.
  3. Answer: (b) The kidneys are the main organs of excretion in humans. They remove water, salts, and other waste products from the blood.
  4. Answer: (a) The main mode of nutrition in plants is autotrophic nutrition. This means that they can make their own food by photosynthesis.
  5. Answer: (b) The process by which living organisms obtain energy from food is called respiration.
  6. Answer: (b) The process by which living organisms release energy from food is called respiration.
  7. Answer: (c) The process by which nutrients, oxygen, and waste products are transported around the body is called transportation.
  8. Answer: (d) The process by which waste products are removed from the body is called excretion.
  9. Answer: (d) The process by which living organisms increase in size and change over time is called growth and development.
  10. Answer: (d) The process by which living organisms produce offspring is called reproduction.
  11. Answer: (d) The process by which living organisms respond to changes in their environment is called response to stimuli.
  12. Answer: (d) The process by which living organisms maintain a stable internal environment is called homeostasis.
  13. Answer: (b) The mode of nutrition in which organisms obtain food from other organisms is called heterotrophic nutrition.


In conclusion, life processes are the essential activities that all living organisms perform to maintain their existence. These processes include nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion, reproduction, and growth. Each of these processes is vital for the survival of an organism, and they all work together to keep the organism healthy and functioning properly.

By understanding the life processes, we can better appreciate the complexity and wonder of living things. We can also learn how to keep ourselves healthy by caring for our bodies and ensuring that we get the necessary nutrients.

The notes you have written are a great resource for students who are learning about life processes. They are clear, concise, and easy to understand. They will be a valuable tool for students studying this important topic.

Note:  To Download this Notes Of Life Process Class 10 PDF, CLICK HERE.

FAQs On Notes Of Life Process Class 10:

Q.  What are the main points of life process Class 10?
A->  Nutrition
, Respiration
, Transport
, Excretion
, Reproduction
, Growth
 are the essential activities that all living organisms perform to maintain their existence. They are all interconnected, and each one is essential for the survival of the organism.

Q.  What are the notes of life processes? 
A->  To see the notes of Life Processes see above.

Q.  What is respiration Class 10 from life process notes?
A->  Respiration is a biochemical process that occurs in all living cells. It involves the breakdown of food molecules, such as glucose, to release energy. This energy is then used by the cell to carry out its various functions, such as growth, repair, and movement.
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