If you are looking for some Moral Stories In English For Class 1, you are at the right place. Introducing young children to moral values and principles is crucial in shaping their character and guiding their behavior. Class 1 is a pivotal stage in a child’s life where they begin understanding the world around them and developing a sense of morals and ethics. Storytelling as an effective tool in moral education must be considered.

25+ Best Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

Moral stories in English for Class 1 entertain and engage children and impart valuable life lessons that they can carry with them throughout their lives. In this article, we will explore some examples and the significance of moral stories for Class 1 students and discuss key elements that should be included while selecting and presenting such stories. So without any further discussion let’s start the Moral Stories In English For Class 1.

1. Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

Moral Stories In English For Class 1

Once upon a time, a rabbit and a turtle raced. The rabbit was fast, but it got overconfident and took a nap. Meanwhile, the turtle kept moving slowly but steadily. In the end, the turtle won the race.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

2. Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

A little ant stored food for the winter. It worked hard while other ants played. When winter came, the hardworking ant had enough food while the others struggled.

Moral: Hard work pays off.

3. Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

A little boy found a bird with a broken wing. He cared for it until it was healed and could fly again. The bird was grateful and became his friend.

Moral: Kindness is always rewarded.

4. Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

Once upon a time, a little ant always worked hard to collect food for the winter. Meanwhile, a lazy grasshopper spent his days playing and enjoying the sunshine. When winter arrived, the ant was prepared with plenty of food, while the grasshopper had none.

Moral: Hard work and planning lead to success.

5. Short Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

boy bird

In a village, a little boy found a bird with a broken wing. He felt sorry for it, so he built a small shelter and nursed it back to health. When the bird regained its strength, it flew away. One day, the bird returned with other birds to thank the boy for his kindness.

Moral: Kindness is always rewarded.

6. Short Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

In a village, a little girl dropped her money at the shop. A poor man saw it and returned it to her. The girl’s parents were so grateful that they helped the poor man improve his life.

Moral: Honesty and kindness are always rewarded in the long run.

7. Short Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

A clever fox lived in a forest who always played tricks on other animals. One day, a kind-hearted rabbit befriended the fox, ignoring its reputation. The fox realized the value of friendship and decided to change its ways.

Moral: Looking beyond appearances and giving others a chance is important.

8. Short Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

A father and son were traveling with their donkey. People criticized them no matter what they did – riding or carrying the donkey. Ultimately, they realized they could not please everyone and should do what they think is right.

Moral: You cannot please everyone.

9. Short Stories In English With Moral For Class 1:

A king was granted the power to turn everything he touched into gold. Eventually, he turned his daughter into gold and realized that wealth isn’t everything.

Moral: True happiness lies in the love of family and friends, not material possessions.

10. Short Stories In English With Moral For Class 1:

The other birds laughed at the owl for being different. But the owl guided them with its wisdom when they were lost in a storm.

Moral: Differences should be celebrated and respected.

11. Short Stories In English With Moral For Class 1:

Once, a little boy found an injured fox in the forest. He felt sorry for the fox and decided to take care of it. The fox recovered and wanted to escape, but the boy asked it to stay.

Moral: Kindness towards others is always rewarded.

12. Short Stories In English With Moral For Class 1:

A lion caught a tiny mouse, but the mouse pleaded for mercy. The lion freed the mouse, and one day, the mouse saved the lion by gnawing through his net.

Moral: Kindness can be repaid in unexpected ways.

13. Moral Stories For Class 1 In English:

short moral stories in english for class 1

A thirsty crow found a pitcher with water, but it was too low for him to reach. The crow dropped pebbles into the pitcher to raise the water level and quench his thirst.

Moral: Intelligence can overcome any obstacle.

14. Moral Stories For Class 1 In English:

A dog carried a juicy bone in his mouth and saw his reflection in the water. Mistakenly, he thought it was another dog with a bigger bone, so he dropped his bone to grab the other one, ending up with nothing.

Moral: Greed often leads to loss.

15. Moral Stories For Class 1 In English:

An elephant destroyed a sparrow’s nest unintentionally. The sparrow forgave the elephant, saying mistakes can happen, and they became friends.

Moral: Forgiveness is a noble act.

16. Moral Stories For Class 1 In English:

The hare boasted about his speed while the tortoise challenged him. During the race, the hare got overconfident and took a nap. The slow but steady tortoise won the race.

Moral: Consistency and determination lead to success.

17. Moral Stories In English For Class 1st:

A bird built its nest on a branch of a tall tree. A strong wind blew one day, and the tree swayed, but the nest didn’t fall because it was built with strong twigs.

Moral: Be prepared for challenges.

18. Moral Stories In English For Class 1st:

A farmer had four sons who always fought with each other. He gave them a bundle of sticks and asked them to break it individually. They couldn’t do it. But when he untied the bundle and gave them one stick each, they easily broke it.

Moral: Unity is strength.

19. Moral Stories In English For Class 1st:

A boy loved climbing trees but was afraid of heights. He faced his fear by climbing a small tree first and gradually moving on to bigger trees. 

Moral: Face your fears to overcome them.

20. Moral Stories In English For Class 1st:

Once, a crow found a piece of cheese and flew to a tree to eat it. A fox saw this and flattered the crow, asking her to sing. When the crow opened her beak, the cheese fell, and the fox grabbed it.

Moral: Don't trust flattery.

21. 1 Story In English:

Two friends were walking in a forest when they found a bag of gold coins. They both decided to share it equally.

Moral: Sharing is caring.

22. 1 Story In English:

In a garden, a sunflower felt sad because it had no petals. The other flowers encouraged it to keep growing, eventually blossoming beautifully.

Moral: Never give up.

23. One Story In English With Moral:

A little girl loved drawing but was often criticized by others. She didn’t let their words discourage her and continued to practice. Eventually, she became a great artist.

Moral: Believe in yourself.

24. Small Moral Stories In English:

Two friends, a frog and a mouse, lived on a farm. The frog loved to hop and play, but the mouse was too small to keep up. They learned they could still be friends and have fun doing things at their own pace. 

Moral: True friendship accepts and appreciates differences.

25. Small Moral Stories In English:

golden egg

A kind farmer discovered that his goose laid a golden egg daily. The farmer got greedy and killed the goose to get all the eggs. But he found out the goose didn’t have any golden eggs inside.

Moral: Greed often leads to loss.

26. Small Moral Stories In English:

A little boy found a bird with a broken wing. He carefully mended the wing and set the bird free. One day, the bird returned and helped the boy when he got lost in the forest.

Moral: Kindness is always rewarded.

27. Moral Stories In English For Class 1:

A hungry fox saw a bunch of grapes hanging high on a vine. He tried jumping to reach them but failed. The fox walked away, saying the grapes were sour anyway.

Moral: It's easy to despise what we cannot have.

Benefits Of Moral Stories For Class 1 Students:

  1. Moral stories help develop good values and morals in Class 1 students.
  2. They teach important life lessons and help students understand the consequences of their actions.
  3. Moral stories enhance a child’s listening and comprehension skills.
  4. They improve vocabulary and language skills as students learn new words and phrases.
  5. Moral stories engage students’ imagination and creativity as they visualize the events and characters in the story.
  6. They encourage empathy and understanding towards others as students explore different perspectives and situations.
  7. Moral stories promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students analyze the moral dilemma presented in the story.
  8. They instill a love for reading and storytelling in students early on.
  9. Moral stories can also serve as a tool for character development and character education.


Moral stories are integral to a child’s early education as they provide valuable life lessons and help develop moral values and character. These stories entertain children and teach them important values such as honesty, kindness, patience, and perseverance. Introducing children to these stories early lays a strong foundation for their overall development and shaping their future personalities. Moreover, moral stories also teach children empathy, compassion, and understanding toward others, thereby fostering a harmonious society rooted in moral values.

Therefore, moral stories in English must continue to be an essential component of the curriculum for class 1 students, as they contribute towards the holistic development of young minds and instill in them the seeds of ethical behavior and good values they will carry throughout their lives.

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By Suman

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