metals and non metals class 10

Are you looking for some important notes on Metals and Non Metals Class 10? Here is the detailed notes with PDF. Metals and non metals are two fundamental categories of elements that form the building blocks of our world. They exhibit distinct physical and chemical properties, playing crucial roles in our daily lives. While metals are renowned for their lustrous appearance, malleability, and conductivity, non-metals encompass a diverse range of elements with unique characteristics. Understanding the properties and applications of these elements is essential for comprehending the world around us. You can download this article as PDF by clicking the link below.

Metals and Non Metals Class 10:

In this article, we will delve into the realm of metals and non metals, exploring their defining characteristics and contrasting their properties. We will examine their reactivity patterns, occurrence, and distribution, gaining insights into their extraction processes. Furthermore, we will investigate the diverse applications of metals and non-metals, appreciating their impact on various industries and technological advancements. You also visit or another Notes of Chapter 3 Science Class 10.

Metal Definition:

Metals are a class of elements that typically exhibit a lustrous appearance, malleability, ductility, and good conductivity of heat and electricity. They form cations by losing electrons and tend to react with oxygen to produce basic oxides. Metals are found abundantly in the Earth’s crust and are essential for various applications in construction, machinery, electronics, and more.

Examples: iron, copper, aluminum, gold, and silver.

Non Metal Definition:

Non metals are a group of elements that lack the distinctive properties of metals. They are typically dull in appearance, brittle, and poor conductors of heat and electricity. Unlike metals, non metals tend to gain electrons to form negative ions.

Examples: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur.

Difference Between Metal and Non Metal:

PropertyMetalsNon Metals
AppearanceLustrous (shiny)Dull
MalleabilityCan be hammered into thin sheetsBrittle and break easily
DuctilityCan be drawn into wiresCannot be drawn into wires
Electrical conductivityGood conductors of electricityPoor conductors of electricity
Thermal conductivityGood conductors of heatPoor conductors of heat
State at room temperatureUsually solidSolid, liquid, or gas
Chemical reactivityReact with oxygen to form oxidesReact with oxygen to form non-metal oxides
BondingForm ionic bonds with non-metalsForm covalent bonds with other non-metals
Difference Between Metals and Non Metals for class 10

1. Physical Properties of Metals:

Metals are distinguished by their remarkable physical properties, contributing to their widespread use in various applications. These properties set them apart from non-metals, highlighting their unique characteristics.

Lustrous Appearance: 

Metals possess a characteristic metallic shine, often called lustre. This property arises from the arrangement of their atoms in a regular lattice structure, which reflects light effectively. The degree of lustre varies among metals, with some, like silver and gold, exhibiting a brilliance, while others, like iron and aluminium, have a more subdued shine.

Malleability and Ductility: 

Metals are remarkably malleable, meaning they can be hammered or pressed into thin sheets without breaking. This property allows for forming metals into various forms, such as foils, wires, and sheets. Gold, for instance, is renowned for its exceptional malleability, enabling its transformation into delicate jewellery pieces.

Similarly, metals are malleable and can be drawn into thin wires without breaking. This property is crucial for producing wires and filaments used in electrical appliances and circuits. Copper, with its high flexibility, is widely used in electrical wiring due to its ability to withstand bending and stretching without compromising its integrity.


When struck, metals produce a clear, ringing sound known as sonority. This property arises from the regular arrangement of atoms in the metal lattice, which efficiently transmits vibrations through the material. The resonance of metals varies depending on their composition and structure. For example, bells are traditionally made from bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, known for its exceptional sonority.

Good Conductors of Heat and Electricity: 

Metals are exceptional conductors of heat and electricity, enabling them to transfer energy from one point to another efficiently. This property is attributed to the free movement of electrons within the metal lattice, which act as charge carriers. Copper, with its high conductivity, is widely used in electrical wiring and heat sinks to dissipate heat effectively.

High Melting and Boiling Points: 

Metals generally possess high melting and boiling points, indicating their ability to withstand high temperatures without melting or vaporizing. This property is crucial for their use in applications that require temperature resistance, such as cookware, engine components, and structural elements. Tungsten, with its exceptionally high melting point, is used in filaments of incandescent light bulbs.

2. Physical Properties of Non Metals:

Non-metals stand in stark contrast to their metallic counterparts regarding their physical properties. They display characteristics that set them apart and contribute to their unique roles in various applications.

Non-lustrous Appearance:

Unlike metals, which possess a shiny, metallic lustre, non-metals generally exhibit a dull or matte appearance. This lack of luster is attributed to their electronic structure, which prevents them from reflecting light effectively. Examples of non-metals with a dull appearance include sulfur, carbon, and phosphorus.

Brittle Nature:

Non-metals are known for their brittle nature, breaking quickly when subjected to stress or impact. Their lack of malleability and ductility, which are properties characteristic of metals, makes them prone to shattering or crumbling under pressure. This brittleness is due to the weak bonds between their atoms, which can be easily disrupted.

Poor Conductors of Heat and Electricity:

In contrast to metals, which are excellent conductors of heat and electricity, non-metals are generally poor conductors. This difference arises from the arrangement of electrons in their atoms. In metals, electrons are free to move throughout the material, facilitating heat transfer and electrical energy. However, in non-metals, electrons are tightly bound to their atoms, hindering their movement and limiting the conduction of heat and electricity.

Varying States (Solid, Liquid, Gas):

Non-metals exhibit a more comprehensive range of states at room temperature than metals. While most metals exist as solids at room temperature, non-metals can be found in solid, liquid, or gaseous forms. For instance, sulfur and carbon are solids at room temperature, bromine is a liquid, and nitrogen and oxygen are gases. This diversity in states reflects the varying electronic configurations and bonding interactions among non-metals.

3. Chemical Properties of Metals:

Metals exhibit a fascinating array of chemical properties that distinguish them from non-metals. Their reactivity with oxygen, non-metals, and other metals forms the foundation of numerous chemical reactions and processes.

Reaction with Oxygen: 

Metals readily combine with oxygen to form metal oxides. Heat release often accompanies this reaction, making it an exothermic process. The reactivity of metals with oxygen varies widely, with some metals, like sodium and potassium, reacting vigorously at room temperature while others, like gold and platinum, remain relatively inert.

Example: Fe + O2 → Fe2O3 (iron oxide)
Formation of Basic Oxides: 

Metals generally form basic oxides upon reacting with oxygen. These oxides possess a high pH and readily dissolve in water to produce alkaline solutions. For instance, the reaction of sodium metal with oxygen yields sodium oxide (Na2O), which, when dissolved in water, forms a strong base of sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

Example: Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH (sodium hydroxide)
Reaction with Non-Metals: 

Metals can also engage in chemical reactions with non-metals, forming ionic compounds. These compounds are characterized by transferring electrons from the metal to the non-metal, creating a positively charged metal cation and a negatively charged non-metal anion. For example, the reaction of magnesium metal with chlorine gas produces magnesium chloride (MgCl2), an ionic compound with a solid ionic bond.

Example: Mg + S → MgS (magnesium sulfide)
Displacement Reactions with More Reactive Metals: 

Metals can displace less reactive metals from their salt solutions. This phenomenon, known as a displacement reaction, is driven by the relative reactivity of the metals involved. More reactive metals can displace less reactive metals from their compounds, taking their place in the compound. For instance, when zinc metal is placed in a copper sulfate solution, it displaces copper, forming zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) and leaving copper metal behind.

Example: Cu + ZnSO4 → CuSO4 + Zn (copper displaces zinc in zinc sulfate)

These chemical properties of metals underlie their widespread applications in various fields, including metallurgy, electrochemistry, and battery technology. Their ability to form compounds, react with other elements, and conduct electricity makes them indispensable materials in modern society.

4. Chemical Properties of Non Metals:

Non-metals exhibit diverse chemical properties, reflecting their varied electron configurations and electronegativities. They are generally less reactive than metals, but they still participate in a variety of chemical reactions.

Reaction with Oxygen:

One of the most common reactions of non-metals is their interaction with oxygen to form non-metal oxides. These oxides can have varying properties, ranging from acidic to neutral to basic. For instance, carbon combines with oxygen to create carbon dioxide (CO2), a neutral oxide involved in photosynthesis and respiration. In contrast, sulfur reacts with oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide (SO2), an acidic oxide contributing to acid rain.

Example:  S + O2 → SO2 (Sulfur dioxide)
Formation of Covalent Bonds:

Non-metals often form covalent bonds with other non-metals, sharing electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration—covalent bonding results in the formation of molecules with distinct properties. For example, carbon and hydrogen combine covalently to form methane (CH4), a colourless, odourless gas that is the main component of natural gas. Similarly, nitrogen and oxygen covalently bond to form nitrogen oxide (NO), a colourless gas that plays a role in atmospheric chemistry.

Example:  N2 + O2 → 2NO (Nitrogen oxide)
Redox Reactions with Metals:

Non-metals can also engage in redox reactions with metals, involving the transfer of electrons between the two elements. In these reactions, non-metals act as oxidizing agents, accepting electrons from metals, which act as reducing agents. For instance, chlorine reacts with sodium to form sodium chloride (NaCl), commonly known as table salt. During this reaction, chlorine gains an electron to form chloride ions (Cl-), while sodium loses an electron to form sodium ions (Na+).

Example:  2Cl + 2Na → 2NaCl (Sodium chloride)

5. Occurrence and Distribution of Metals and Non Metals:

The Earth’s crust, the outermost layer of our planet, serves as a treasure trove of metals and non-metals. These elements, essential for various industries and applications, are distributed unevenly across the globe, reflecting the complex geological processes that have shaped our planet.


Metals are predominantly found in the Earth’s crust, with the most abundant metal being aluminium, constituting approximately 8% of the crust’s composition. Iron, the second most abundant metal, comprises about 5% of the crust. Other significant metals include calcium, magnesium, and sodium.

Metals are typically found in the form of ores, which are naturally occurring minerals that contain a concentration of a particular metal. These ores undergo various extraction processes to isolate the desired metal. For instance, iron ore is processed through smelting, which involves heating the ore to high temperatures to extract the iron.

Examples of metal occurrence and distribution:

  • Aluminium: Aluminum is abundant in bauxite, an ore primarily in tropical and subtropical regions.
  • Iron: Iron ore is widely distributed globally, with significant deposits in Australia, Brazil, and China.
  • Copper: Copper is found in various ores, including chalcopyrite, malachite, and azurite, often in mountainous regions.

Non-metals, while less abundant than metals in the Earth’s crust, play equally crucial roles in various industries. Oxygen, the most abundant non-metal, accounts for about 47% of the crust’s composition, primarily silicates, oxides, and carbonates. Silicon, the second most abundant non-metal, comprises about 28% of the crust, mainly silica and silicates.

Non-metals occur in various forms, including solid, liquid, and gas. For instance, oxygen and nitrogen are gases at room temperature, while carbon is a solid (graphite) or a liquid (diamond).

Examples of non-metal occurrence and distribution:

  • Oxygen: Oxygen is the primary component of air, accounting for about 21% of its composition.
  • Silicon: Silicon is abundant in sand, quartz, and other minerals, forming the basis for various industrial products like glass and semiconductors.
  • Carbon: Carbon is found in various forms, including coal, limestone, and fossil fuels. It is also a crucial component of organic compounds, including living organisms.

6. Uses of Metals and Non Metals:

Metals and non metals are pivotal in shaping our modern world, serving as the foundation for numerous industries and technological innovations. Their unique properties have enabled us to construct buildings, manufacture machinery, develop electrical appliances, and create various products that enhance our lives.

  • Construction and infrastructure: Metals, particularly iron and steel, are the backbone of construction, forming the skeletal frames of buildings, bridges, and roadways. Their strength, durability, and resistance to fire make them indispensable for creating safe and resilient structures.
Example: The Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, is a remarkable testament to the strength and versatility of steel.
  • Electrical appliances and wiring: Metals like copper, silver, and gold excel in their ability to conduct electricity, making them essential components of electrical appliances, wiring, and circuitry. Their conductivity ensures the efficient transmission of electrical energy, powering our homes, businesses, and industries.
Example: The intricate network of copper wires within electronic devices, from computers to smartphones, enables the seamless flow of electricity and the operation of complex circuitry.
  • Machinery and tools: Metals, particularly steel and alloys, are the cornerstone of machinery and tools. Their strength, malleability, and resistance to wear and tear make them ideal for crafting durable components that withstand demanding applications.
Example: Surgical instruments crafted from high-grade stainless steel offer precision, strength, and corrosion resistance, ensuring safe and effective procedures.
  • Transportation: Metals, including aluminium and iron, are integral to transportation. Their lightweight properties and ability to be shaped into complex forms make them suitable for constructing vehicles, aircraft, and ships.
Example: The Boeing 787 Dreamliner, a marvel of modern aviation, utilizes aluminium extensively in its fuselage and wings, contributing to its impressive fuel efficiency and performance.
  • Food packaging and containers: Metals, such as aluminium and tin, play a crucial role in food preservation and packaging. Their ability to create airtight barriers protects food from spoilage and extends its shelf life.
Example: Aluminum cans are widely used for packaging beverages, ensuring the preservation of flavour and freshness.
  • Plastics and synthetic materials: Non-metals, mainly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, form the building blocks of plastics and synthetic materials. These versatile materials have revolutionized various industries, from packaging and construction to healthcare and electronics.
Example: Polymeric materials, derived from non-metals, have led to the development of medical implants, prosthetic limbs, and advanced drug delivery systems, significantly improving patient care and quality of life.
  • Glass and ceramics: Non metals, such as silicon and oxygen, are essential components of glass and ceramics. These materials possess unique properties, including transparency, heat resistance, and chemical stability, making them valuable for various applications.
Example: Glass is widely used in windows, lenses, and laboratory equipment, while ceramics are employed in cookware, tiles, and electrical insulators.
  • Pharmaceuticals and drugs: Non-metals, including carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, form the backbone of medicines and drugs. These elements can be combined in intricate molecular structures to create medications that treat diseases, alleviate pain, and improve health outcomes.
Example: Aspirin, a common pain reliever, is a synthetic molecule derived from non-metals, demonstrating the remarkable potential of these elements in medicine.

Metals and Non Metals Class 10 Important Questions with Answers:

Very Short Questions with Answers:
  1. What is the difference between metals and non metals?

Metals are lustrous, malleable, ductile, and good conductors of heat and electricity. Non-metals are dull, brittle, and poor conductors of heat and electricity.

  1. Give two examples of metals and non metals.

Metals: iron, copper

Non-metals: oxygen, carbon

  1. What is the reactivity of metals with oxygen?

Metals react with oxygen to form metal oxides.

  1. What is the reactivity of non-metals with oxygen?

Non-metals react with oxygen to form non-metal oxides.

  1. What are the two types of oxides?

Metal oxides and non-metal oxides.

  1. What is the difference between metal oxides and non-metal oxides?

Metal oxides are basic, while non-metal oxides are acidic.

  1. What is the reactivity of metals with water?

Some metals react with water to form metal oxides and hydrogen gas.

  1. What is the reactivity of non-metals with water?

Non-metals generally do not react with water.

  1. What are some common uses of metals?

Metals are used in construction, transportation, appliances, and machinery.

  1. What are some common uses of non-metals?

Non-metals are used in plastics, glass, ceramics, and pharmaceuticals.

Short Questions with Answers:
  1. Explain the concept of malleability and ductility of metals.

Malleability is the ability of a metal to be hammered into thin sheets, while ductility is the ability of a metal to be drawn into wires. These properties arise from the arrangement of atoms in the metal lattice.

  1. Why are metals good conductors of heat and electricity?

Metals have a delocalized sea of electrons that can move freely throughout the metal lattice. This allows heat and electrical energy to be transferred efficiently.

  1. What is the difference between ionic bonding and covalent bonding?

Ionic bonding involves the transfer of electrons from one atom to another, while covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons between atoms.

  1. Explain the reactivity series of metals.

The reactivity series of metals is a list of metals arranged in order of their decreasing reactivity with water. The more reactive a metal is, the higher it is in the series.

  1. What is corrosion and how can it be prevented?

Corrosion is the deterioration of a metal due to its reaction with the environment, such as oxygen or water. Corrosion can be prevented by painting, galvanization, or applying protective coatings.

  1. What is an alloy and what are its advantages?

An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals. Alloys are often stronger, more durable, and more resistant to corrosion than pure metals.

  1. What are the different methods of extracting metals from ores?

The different methods of extracting metals from ores depend on the type of metal and the properties of the ore. Some common methods include smelting, roasting, and electrolysis.

  1. What is the importance of non-metals in our daily lives?

Non-metals are essential components of many materials that we use daily, such as plastics, glass, ceramics, and pharmaceuticals.

  1. What are some of the environmental concerns associated with the use of metals?

The mining and processing of metals can lead to environmental pollution, such as air and water pollution. The disposal of metal waste can also pose environmental risks.

  1. What are some of the challenges and opportunities for the future of metals and non metals?

The future of metals and non-metals will be shaped by the need for more sustainable and environmentally friendly production processes, as well as the development of new materials with enhanced properties.

Metals and Non Metals Class 10 MCQ:
  1. Which of the following is NOT a property of metals?
  • (a) Lustrous appearance
  • (b) Malleability
  • (c) Ductility
  • (d) Transparency
  1. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat and electricity?
  • (a) Copper
  • (b) Carbon
  • (c) Sulfur
  • (d) Water
  1. Which of the following is a non-metal that reacts with oxygen to form an acidic oxide?
  • (a) Sodium
  • (b) Magnesium
  • (c) Carbon
  • (d) Sulfur
  1. Which of the following is the most reactive metal in the reactivity series?
  • (a) Potassium
  • (b) Calcium
  • (c) Iron
  • (d) Gold
  1. What is the process of coating a metal with a layer of zinc to prevent corrosion called?
  • (a) Galvanization
  • (b) Electrolysis
  • (c) Smelting
  • (d) Alloying
metals and non metals class 10


In conclusion, metals and non metals are two pillars of the elemental world, each possessing distinct properties and contributing significantly to our lives. With their malleability, conductivity, and lustrous appearance, metals form the backbone of our infrastructure, appliances, and machinery. Non-metals, with their diverse forms and reactivities, play essential roles in plastics, pharmaceuticals, and various other applications. These elements form an intricate tapestry of materials that shape our world and enable our technological progress.

As we continue to explore and utilize the properties of metals and non metals, we undoubtedly unlock new possibilities and advancements for the future. If you have any queries or questions about the article or any other notes, please feel free to comment below. Our team will reach you very shortly.

FAQs on metals and non metals class 10 notes:

Q.  What is the difference between metals and non metals Class 10 notes?
A->  Metals are shiny, malleable, and ductile elements that conduct heat and electricity well, while non-metals are generally brittle, non-lustrous, and poor conductors of heat and electricity.

Q.  What is a metal and nonmetal short summary?

A->  Metals are shiny, malleable, and ductile elements that conduct heat and electricity well. Non-metals are dull, brittle, and poor conductors of heat and electricity.

Q.  What are the important topics in the metals and non metals of Class 10?
A->  The  two important topics in the metals and nonmetals of Class 10 are- Distinguishing between metals and non-metals, their physical and chemical properties, occurrence, extraction, and diverse applications.
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By Suman

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